Monday, December 5, 2011

Yes we can

 “WOW, how did NEPAL get so developed? Is it the country that I left 10 years before for my further studies?”I was really shocked as I came out of Tribhuwan International Airport after 10 years higher study in USA.
 It has just been few years I have left Nepal but it has drastically changed from economical, social, environmental and infrastructural point of view. I had heard from my friends and relatives the ongoing transformation in Nepal. But it was being really difficult to believe the radical change that took place.
The black-out problem was totally outdated. There was provision of electricity twenty-four hours. I can’t believe it, it was the same country where people were forced to face nearly sixteen hours of power cut daily. The most unbelievable event was that Nepal was producing 83000 megawatt of electricity and India was mainly depended on Nepal for hydroelectricity. Industries were able to give their maximum output making the country’s economic sector stronger one.
Nepal was the major exporter of tea, cardamom and carpets. 90% of the worlds export on these products was from Nepal. Minerals were extracted using scientific methods from various mines and  sold after processing. Automobiles produced in Nepal were the best quality products having best trademark in the international market.
The world’s fastest train was running in Nepal from east to west. People were able to go to their job at Biratnagar residing at Nepalgunj. Really the transformation was fabulous. This brought harmony among people as they got familiar with people from different regions.
 The capital city was counted to be the world’s cleanest city. The wastages were categorized as degradable and nondegradable. Degradable wastages were decomposed to turn up to manure whereas nondegradable ones were recycled. The rivers were purified with proper chemicals so that it could be used for drinking purpose. This had aided a lot in solving water crisis in the valley. United Nation was proud enough to get a compassionate country like Nepal which aided a lot in solving global warming problems.
All the tourist areas were well developed and flourished, attracting everyone to visit Nepal. The services provided to the tourists were marvelous. They could visit to any areas without any difficulties as the transportation and infrastructure were well urbanized. The locals and the police were always ready to assist them incase of any tribulations. The harmony, love and respect shown by Nepalese were outstanding.
How could I forget the world’s largest rocket station and the largest fun park ever built? Rockets and spaceships flying over the Nepalese sky with a speed of eleven kilometer per second was the most fascinating scene for the foreigners. 
But how did Nepal get changed in this short time? Question was always striking in my mind. The change was really shocking. I was totally astounded. I had never imagined Nepal coming up with these changes. But it was a reality until my clock strike six in the morning and my clock alarm rang. 
As soon as I got up and switched on my fan inorder to remove the stinky odours coming from the open dam present infront of my house it didn’t work as I was still present in developing Nepal where there is sixteen hours of load shedding in a day.
If the dream that I saw really turned to reality then how would Nepalese cope with the situation? Would the Non Resident Nepalese be back to Nepal for resettling? I was left dreaming in my bed for long time until my mom called me for my breakfast.

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